My Trip to Alt

Alt Summit is the conference for creative female entrepreneurs and influencers, and I am obsessed! Y’all know that I am passionate about sharing resources and encouraging community over competition, so I love that this conference embodies the antithesis of gatekeeping. You’re completely surrounded by people who are really good at what they do, and ready to offer free insights and resources. Whether you need a little encouragement and a safe space to try out an idea, or someone to hold your hand and guide you through the steps, you will find them here. It’s an amazing atmosphere of positive energy, where you’re free to take a leap out of your comfort zone, knowing that a crowd is already forming to catch you.

I roomed with Kirstie from A Jar of Pickles, and although we were already online friends and collaborators, we had never met in person. We took a chance and had the best time getting to know one another better! I wasn’t sure if anyone would remember me from the previous year, but I was enthusiastically greeted by many familiar faces, and made so many new friends too. Of course, there was a lot of constructive work time between taking photos and attending parties. I had the opportunity to sit down for 1:1 appointments with a few experts on topics such as my website, instagram, wholesale, and email marketing, as well as attending panels, presentations, and workshops on all kinds of other topics.

I came away with tangible goals and new ideas, but most importantly I felt re-invigorated. Small biz burnout is real, and it’s easy to feel isolated and directionless when you’re on your own. That’s why it is so important to surround yourself in a supportive community. You may not need to travel to the desert to find yours, but it sure is fun!

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